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Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2.
Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD Semester 2

A. Isian

  1. Tolong duduk in inglish is ….
  2. Matikan alat perekam suara in inglish is ….
  3. Administrasion room mean ….
  4. Aula in inglish is ….
  5. There are many trees in the ….
  6. We are eating in the …
  7. We are studying in the ….
  8. I feel hot open the …. (jendela)
  9. We are praying in the ….
  10. May I  … (menginjak) the grass.
  11. Mention four kinds of colour
  12. Mention four kinds of wild animals
  13. Mention four kinds tame animals

B. Let’s rearrange

  1. Name – spell – your =
  2. Answer – your – write =
  3. On – fan – the – turn =

C. Fillin the blank

  1. May I … (makan) some thing here
  2. May I … (membeli) some books here
  3. May I … (membuang sampah) here
  4. May I … (berbicara keras) here

D. Translate into English

  1. Ruang kelas =
  2. Kantin =
  3. Taman sekolah =
  4. Halaman sekolah =

E. Write into Indonesia

  1. Color your picture =
  2. Draw a butterfly =
  3. Cut the sticker =
  4. Hang the picture =

F. Lets rearangge

  1. T – e – r – i – w
  2. U – n – r – t
  3. T – i –s – c – w – h
  4. N – e - p –o

G. Fill in the blank

  1. The tiger is …. (mengaung)
  2. The sheep is …. (mengembik)
  3. The cock is …. (berkokok)
  4. The piq is …. (mengorok)

H. Translate into Indonesian

  1. Turn the volume up =
  2. Turn the volume down =
  3. Switch on the light please =
  4. Switch off the light please =

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